Monday, July 22, 2013

The Lover's Quarrel

The Lover's Quarrel

For many years we’ve lived and loved,
Our lives a rich delight.
Then one day’s events caused us to clash,
And the friction led to a fight.

You think that words can’t do a lot,
But words are not inert.
Words have the power to sooth and calm,
But can also cut and hurt.

If thoughts are kept within your head,
They can be dealt with by you alone.
But once the words are past your lips,
They’re like a monument carved in stone.

So always take the time to think,
Of the hurt that can take place,
Whenever a thought is hastily said,
To cause someone loss of face.

It’s hard work to tear the monument down,
To make the hurtful words lose their power.
It’s so much better not to speak the thought,
And just complain to yourself for an hour.


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